انجمن کلیمیان تهران

Top Students of Ettefaq Academic Complex praised


Winter 2011 

Top students of Ettefaq Academic Complex were praised and received awards on Bahman 20th (Jan 9th, 2011) in a ceremony, during a nationwide celebration on the occasion of the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
The ceremony in the presence of the Academic Complex personnel, the students and their parents at Ettefaq School began with the playing of the national anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran followed by recitation of some holy verses of the Old Testament. The other program at the event included group singing of revolutionary songs on the Islamic Revolution, performing a theatrical play on the despotic regime of the ousted Shah, and playing some musical pieces, all by the students of Etefaq School.
In next part of the event the principal of the school, Ms. Rahmani, after congratulating the 32nd anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution spoke about organizing a research book exhibition and an exhibition of the students' handicrafts, as well as their successful participation at sports events and gaining colorful medals.
At the closing ceremony of the event the Head of the Cultural Committee of the Association of Tehrani Jews Community Farhad Aframian congratulated the victory anniversary of the Iranian nation's great revolution. He then considered the top students as the future builders of the Iranian Jewish community, arguing, "Providing an appropriate academic atmosphere coupled with their good studies and acquiring life and social expertise would definitely be long and effective strides towards the flourishing and exaltation of our cultural society. He meanwhile considered the Jewish martyrs of the revolution era and the activities of the Jewish community during the course of the revolution as the cultural capitals of this society, adding, "Any Iranian Jew while remaining faithful to his religious and beliefs and identity can by acquiring social skills and scientific mastership not only serve his society and his country, but also be a good symbol and a proper sign of his society among the community of majority both inside the country and abroad.
In the next part of the program the names of the medal awarded students at the scientific Olympiads were read in the presence of the official of the of Tehrani Jewish Community's Cultural Committee, Head of the Parents and Instructors Association of Ettefaq Academic Complex Mr. Yeroshelmi, the principal of the complex and the other members of the Parents and Instructors Association, and they were praised and awarded.





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